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Muay Thai Export

Muay Thai Export


Delivering highest quality Thai brands at lowest prices.

I recently discarded this project - primarily due to there not being a clear way to differentiate in the market.

Notes to myself on lessons learned/ topics to expand upon in future articles:

1) Importance of demand

2) Importance of scarcity

3) Building supply chain

4) Market differentiation

5) Necessity of time - power of compounding efforts

6) Studying markets

7) Studying competition

8) Falling in love with idea of something vs process

9) What you can offer vs what market actually needs

10) Importance of high margins for growth and better service

11) Working with local agents

12) Understanding shipping

13) Outreach vs Content Marketing

14) Differentiating on Trust

15) Building relations with suppliers

16) Economies of scale

17) Don't start if you can't commit to 3+ years

18) Sea freight

19) Importance of capital and team

你好! 我来自美国而住在泰国。我在泰国已经呆了好几年。之前住在中国(深圳)离香港很紧 。会说 泰语,西班牙语,英语, 还有汉语(却真要进步!)即是一个拳手又是一个泰拳手。还是一名商人和写手。 欢迎给我留言。告诉我你对哪一些事情感兴趣。 关于东南亚,侨民的硬件,泰国的文化,如何学到语言,我这里的日常生活,拳击教学,都可以。 我是美国老墨。