Dropping Ego for Accelerated Language Acquisition

I want to elaborate on my last essay focused on the premise that by dropping ego, anxiety melts and progression accelerates. I’m afraid the advice to simply be less concerned with the perception of others is lacking.

Lacking in the sense that it’s just not very telling nor actionable.

It’s like when you’re going out with a girl and you’re nervous.  Someone tells you to “just be yourself.”

What are you to do with that information?

Recognize the Great Reality within?

Oh right,  I see now that my fear stems from the inherently false idea that “I” is real and exists in a world of fragmented objects. That by saying to 'just be myself,’ you’re actually advising that I be free of self - the elaborate, mental construct of ideas, memories and labels that ‘I’ identifies as ‘me’ but  only exists in relation to my identification with ‘it’ and therefore unreal.  Anything following I am _____ is a construct; I am is all that which is real, and nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of god.


So anyways, back to language learning. I think it’ll just be easiest to offer a hypothetical example to explain just what I mean by dropping ego:

I am trying to learn a language.
I go to the market to buy bananas.
I don’t even know how to say bananas.

I have two basic approaches here:

  1. Point at bananas, pretend I know what’s going on, slide through and preserve preferred image of self (ego) as someone that knows the language.
  2. Point at bananas and ask how to say this. One of the first phrases to learn of any language should be "How do I say this?/ What's this called?" I then plug this new vocabulary word into the basic algorithm that I’ve learned: "How much are ______?"  I likely mispronounce the new vocabulary (bananas) and take a full minute to stumble through this phase.

In the second approach, I own the fact that I'm learning. There is no preferred image of self to uphold and therefore no fear of it's exposure. I am at the market to get some bananas and practice my language of study. I can do both free of embarassment with the right attitude.